
Monday 31 October 2011

Wearable/Usable Art Challenge!

Hi there!  The party is up and going over on the Bombshell Forum!  We’re celebrating it’s re-launch, and there are awesome challenges, games, and prizes to be had.  I hope you’ll come by and check it out!
Bombshell Stamps are extremely versatile, but I want to see just how versatile they can be!  I’m asking you to use your Bombshell Stamps(rubber or digi) to create a project that is either Wearable or Usable.  The possibilities are really endless for this.  Here are some suggestions:  “Jewelry, headbands, barrettes, shirts, candles, wall hangings, clipboards, etc.”
Just be sure to show us your project over on the forum before Wednesday night at Midnight(PDT). (HERE is the thread where this challenge is.)
I can’t wait to see your creations!
I made a sample for you.  These are charms I made using the Bombshell Angel stamp set.  And I hope you like them…because they are also the prize for this challenge.:)
Thanks for looking!  I hope to see you over on the forum!

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