
Friday 1 June 2012

Fun-day Friday Tutorials: Faux Leather

Hey Lovely Bombshell Friends!!! Emily here, and its FRIDAY!!! and that means..... FUN DAY FRIDAY TUTORIAL!!

I am a big time Operation Write Home (OWH) supporter, and I love their "Tutorial Tuesdays" segments. I sometimes look at their tutorials, make a mental note and say, I should try that SOME day. Most of the time I never follow through, but this time I did. {You should all be proud!} Took me long enough, but I did. A while ago, they had featured a tutorial on Faux Leather. I decided to give it ago, and liked the result so I figured I would share with you lovelies.

You're going to need:
Card stock
Masking Tape
Ink-- I used Distress Ink
CLEAR embossing powder
Heat gun.

I used a quarter sheet of white card stock as my base. I then tore of pieces of my masking tape and layered them all over my piece of card stock. Make sure to cover the whole piece of paper you're using.
Ink Used: Broken China

Once your paper is covered with tape, you then take your ink and cover your tape covered surface.

Next you will take CLEAR embossing powder and cover your page. Once covered in powder-- you then heat. Be careful not to over heat your paper as there is tape/glue on there. I noticed the first time I did it, it smelled TERRIBLE!

Once you've finished heating the page, you can cut it down to fit your card :)

Ignore that weird strip, Blogger is back to NOT liking me. 
Did you follow along in the blog hop this month? If so!! Then you have seen I used this technique on my recent Sea Monkey Day card to create the "water". It definitely looks better in the browns. But I figured why not give it a chance and try something new! There is an even better picture of my card in the forum (page 6), for those who saw my REJECT version on my blog :)

Have a great weekend!!

Much Love,

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