
Tuesday 18 September 2012

Talk Like a Pirate Day!!

Arrrrrr me hearties! Third Mate Katie here to tell ye craft lubbers all 'bout the international celebration of the bestest folk thar be...yes PIRATES cos September 19th be Talk Like Pirate Day !!
As ye can prolly tell it's all about a thinkin', a doin' and most 'portantly a talkin' like a pirate!
We 'ere at Bombshell Stamps do be a LOVIN' our Pirates and all things Piratey!!!!
So 'ere be some projects that we've been a creatin', all inspired by 'Talk Like a Pirate Day'.
I 'ope ye be feelin' proper piratey now and you be joining us in some Pirate Craftin'!!

Here be some gorgeous Bombshell Stamp sets that Pirate folks be a lovin'!

Mermaid Treasure

Now 'ere be some of our craftin' wenches to show you how they be inspired to be EXTRA piratey on Talk Like a Pirate Day!!
Stempelientje used Pirate life and the skulls of Speedshop

Alaine made a Pirate's Dream using Pirate Life and Homeward Bound.

Yaaaaar me scallywags!
Rachael created this greeting card using the Homeward Bound and Ahoy Sailor sets


The Skull and Cross Bones from Classic Tattoo Set

Kelli used A Pirates Life

Alison used A Pirate's Life

Kim, Ms. June, used A Pirate's Life

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