
Thursday 3 January 2013

Meet Ms. January!

Jenn Borjeson is our Ms. January and brings her fresh style and flair to Bombshell!

Here's a little interview with her so you can get to know her better!

Brief info about yourself, including your name, where you live, your family (if you want), etc.
My name is Jenn Blakeney Borjeson and I live in Sebastopol, CA. We recently relocated from Massachusetts to Northern California and I am loving it here. I'm 41 years old. I'm married and we have 2 teenagers. Our son Trevor is 19 and our daughter Cassidy is 17.

2. How long have you been stamping and/or crafting?

A little over 10 years

3. What are your favorite Bombshell sets and why?

I love the Sugar Skull sets. I'm drawn to gothic images and the like, and the Sugar Skulls are so versatile. I like that I can color them up to be pretty and dainty, dark and grungy, or anything in between.

4. What kind of projects do you like to do?

I really love to do mixed media projects, but I spend a lot of time making cards. When I can spend a whole day with my hands covered in Gesso, paint, glitter, glue, etc., I am in my glory!

5. What are your favorite coloring mediums?

Prismacolor pencils and mineral spirits, hands-down!

6. Describe your crafting "style".

My style is cute and creepy. I tend to gravitate towards the real sugary sweet cute images and the dark gothic ones, I guess I like contrast. :D

7. Describe your crafting process. Do you start with a stamp set? A sketch? A technique you want to use?

I usually print myself a list once a week or all the things I want to get done that week, including my DT commitments and any challenges I want to enter, sorted by the date they are due. Then I get to work crafting!

8. Do you have any other hobbies?
I enjoy collecting things like beach shells and rocks, angels, and anything with peace signs on it. I love to read -- Stephen King is my favorite author so I'm usually waiting for his next book to come out.

9. Free for all including little facts, etc. about you.

I'm a happy girl, I love to smile and laugh and I love to make other people smile and laugh. I am overweight but I am healthy and my husband makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world, so I don't let it stress me out too much. I am a Leo. I believe in ghosts, spirits, and aliens. I love tattoos and currently have four of them, definitely want a few more. I would do anything for the people I care about. I am sorta kinda addicted to the Internet, chocolate, coffee, all-things-pumpkin-flavored, and Middle Eastern food. I hate mushrooms. I just got a Nook and although I like it, it will never replace a big old hardcover book (love the smell of paper...). So this is me! Thanks for having me as the January Pin-Up, I'm so happy to be here!

Here are three of Jenn's favorite Bombshell projects!

Now that you've learned more about our Ms. January AND feasted your eyes on her artwork, go check out her blog for even more inspiration!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Jenn, I'm really looking forward to spending January with you.
