
Tuesday 23 April 2013

April Wacky Holiday: Take a Chance Day

Greetings Bombshell fans! Alison here. Today, we Bombshells are bringing you a new challenge. Our monthly Wacky Holiday challenge. Each month, I'll chose a wacky holiday from the website Holiday Insights.  Then, the team will make a project based on the holiday. These holidays can be any day of the month, so there's no set posting date for these! You'll just have to keep your eyes peeled.

This month, I chose "Take a Chance Day." Here's what Holiday Insights had to say about the day. I hope you've enjoyed what the team has made! Be sure to Take a Chance today!

When : Always April 23rd

If you are a gambler, you will just love this day. Today is "Take a Chance Day". This sounds pretty risky (but fun) to me........

Life is filled with risks. To get what you want, sometimes you have to take a chance. And, today is created to do just that. Today is the day to take a chance on virtually any object or goal. Will it be love? will it be luck? Or, just lollipops? We hope you fully participate in this day, and that you attain everything you seek. So go ahead and take a chance. As they say "Nothing ventured, nothing gained".

If you are in love and a little afraid of taking the next step, perhaps today is the day to take a big leap. After all, it's somewhat coincidental that today is also Lover's Day

Note: If you are going to "take a chance" at winning the lottery, we suggest you only buy one ticket. After all, everyone is going to take a chance today, so the odds are really low.
 This is how the Design Team interpreted the holiday.


I hope you've enjoyed what the team has made! Be sure to Take a Chance today!

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