
Wednesday 1 May 2013

Meet Ms. May!

Marnie Bushmole is Bombshell's Ms. May. Marnie has served on several design teams, has been published, and worksand teaches at her LSS! Her artwork shows her flair for design and her awesome coloring skills.

Here's a little interview with Marnie so you can get to know her a bit better!
1. Brief info about yourself, including your name, where you live, your family (if you want), etc.
My name is Marnie Bushmole, I live in the Northwest Chicago Suburbs with my husband of 15 years and our rapidly growing girls Abbi, 10, and Emily almost 13. We currently do not have any pets, however the "we want a DOG or we'll settle for a CAT" campaign is going strong. I currently work at our LSS and teach a number of monthly classes there.

2. How long have you been stamping and/or crafting?
As the daughter and grandaughter of crafters/artists, I am a lifelong crafter. I have stamped for about 18 years and scrapbooked for about 15.

3. What are your favorite Bombshell sets and why?
WOW! This one is hard. My all-time, most-used set is Bombshell Angel. It's my go-to set when I think of Bombshell and I reach for it over and over. Lately I love all things water, so my current favorites are the Koi and Mermaid sets, but I think I'm just jonesing for summer.

4. What kind of projects do you like to do?

I adore doing altered projects but I don't really have time. I end up doing mostly cards and a few scrapbook layouts. When I need a break I try a little ATC art and try really hard to squeeze in altered art.

5. What are your favorite coloring mediums?

My favorite medium is Copic markers! I love the process of coloring and the end product. I teach Copic marker classes and love how students react when everything starts to blend and work. I love watercolors and colored pencils as well but the process is different.

6. Describe your crafting "style".
I'm all over the place with my style. It changes from week to week and maybe even day to day. I think it's experimental. I love trying new things or even revisiting old favorites.

7. Describe your crafting process. Do you start with a stamp set? A sketch? A technique you want to use?
Usually I start cooking an idea in my head. I try to sketch it pretty quick for fear it will fall out of my head. Then I sometimes can't figure out what I sketched so the process starts all over again. I love starting with a technique or challenge that usually gives me more direction then my usual distorted dance to get to the end product.

8. Do you have any other hobbies?

I love to read and cook and I'm more than a little obsessed with Pinterest and trying new ideas from there. I also reorganize my studio space about every two months. Someday it will be perfect, but until then I enjoy finding new ways to organize things.

9. Free for all including little facts, etc. about you.
Hmmm. Things people don't generally know about me:
• I went into the Army right out of High School.
• I worked in the financial industry in a previous life as a data analyst/database manager>
• I learned how to tap dance as an adult.
• I'm obsessed with my kids POU games, I sneak and play them when they are asleep or at school or just all the time.....

Now that you've learned a bit more about Ms. May, feast your eyes on some of Marnie's Bombshell artwork!

Be sure to visit Marnie's blog and her Flickr gallery to see more of her artwork. Check Bombshell's blog tomorrow to find out about her challenge for the month!


  1. Beautiful work, Marni! Love the colors and fab design. Congrats on being Ms. May. xxD

  2. Waves!!!! Great to have you here! Love your stuff!

  3. Congratulations on being Miss May, Marnie. Your cards are gorgeous, as is all your work!

  4. Thrilled to meet you Marnie. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work. Really love your red head Bombshell card. Awesome!
