
Sunday 1 December 2013

Meet Ms. December

Amanda Phillips is Bomshell's Ms. December. She brings her wonderful coloring and design skills, plus her mixed media prowess with her.

Here's a little interview with her so that you can get to know her a bit better.

1. Brief info about yourself, including your name, where you live, your family (if you want), etc.
Hello I am Amanda Phillips. My hubby and I live right outside of Charleston,  South Carolina USA. We have five children (grown and OUT of the house) and two Granddaughters, our latest only being a month old. Both little ladies.

2. How long have you been stamping and/or crafting?

I have been crafting and stamping since I was four. My first production was a bouquet of flowers made for my Grandmother, who supplied the construction paper and the paste they were made from. (I still have them to this day.)

3. What are your favorite Bombshell sets and why?
I really can't pick just one, but since the questionnaire is making me. I would have to say Rosie the Riveter Digital set and of course the Bombshell Angel set! ("Hubba Hubba!")

4. What kind of projects do you like to do?
My favorite projects are the ones where I get to steal a little hour here or there. It isn't something I need to do for someone or a commission but something that catches my fancy and something wonderful happens with it; like making a plastic cup into a charm or melting something together that you know doesn't fit. but it works. Magic!

5. What are your favorite coloring mediums?
OOOh! That is a good question. Copics markers are what I use daily, with anything that sprays coming next. But I always end up back at my watercolor tray.

6. Describe your crafting "style".

My style is Vintage Chic with a compulsion for exact matching details. Paper, Copic markers, ribbon, and brads all must match or it will haunt me in my sleep.

7. Describe your crafting process. Do you start with a stamp set? A sketch? A technique you want to 
I generally start with a stamp for my teams then go from there, theme and such being a factor. But, for myself, it is the space. I can look at a wall for hours deciding what will live there.

8. Do you have any other hobbies?
Cooking. I love to cook and since we just built our house I have the counter space to make some pretty good grub. I make a really great cheesecake and on soup day I can have up to six different kinds on the stove.

9. Free for all including little facts, etc. about you.
 Let's see. I am a self-educated artist that didn't get a degree till very late in life and it wasn't in art, which is kinda weird since it is all I ever wanted to do. Only through art have I felt accomplished. I love the my fellow artists. We are a nutty bunch that just "gets" each other.

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