
Saturday 19 May 2012

Bombshell Girl Spotlight!

It's Alaine Medio's time to bask in the Bombshell Girl Spotlight!

Here's her interview!

When did you become a full Bombshell Girl?
I became a full Bombshell Gal about a year ago (well a year ago when I filled this out :D) April 2011. Ms. January 2011.

Has/have your favorite Bombshell set(s) changed since you started on the team? If so, what are your favorites now?
I think my favorite originally was Sugar Skulls. Now - Hmmmm... I tend to gravitate to the Bombshell Angel with her dress up clothing and the Butterfly Queen's butterflies are used quite a bit.

What new techniques have you tried and/or learned as a result of being on this team?
I have mod podged. I have played dress-up and made my own clothes for the Bombshells. I have done a few other things... and etched on glass. Every month I get a new challenge and move forward and try something. Altering is a bit difficult still, but I keep on trying. I would say that other than Staz-On which I truly believe is a devil's tool, the one that was the hardest for me to finish was the shabby chic card. many elements and fussiness. I ADORE how it turned out, but it probably took me longer than any other project.

Has your style changed and/or evolved since you started with the team? If so, how?
I don't think it has. I love symmetry, color, bling - not necessarily in that order. I think the biggest change has been experimenting with quirky sayings and using the text generator to type those sayings out. If anything, the Bombshells have challenged my coloring skills and let me try new techniques with those... I now use more layers of color than I did when I first joined the team. Oh and I cannot leave the sketches in the orientation that Kathi draws them in. I have to change them most days.

Do you follow any special "design rules"?
I do find myself doing the left top to right bottom focal points. Oh and did I mention I like symmetry and balance? That is what will bother me more than anything on a card - is something not balanced. And usually that means symmetrical with elements too... not just balancing white space with no white space.

Where and when do you find inspiration?
I usually find it in a quirky saying or in a song. A couple of Bombshell cards I have made with song lyrics - (Hot Rod Lincoln was one). And I take a lot of things very literally and that leads to some pretty fun cards (a couple of which ended up being my favorites below).

How do you regain your lost mojo?
Lost mojo -- that is a hard one. Usually I color up different things and then rip them up if they don't speak to me. Eventually something I am coloring shouts at me at the same time as a song comes up on my ipod or on the radio, or some weird saying on tv strikes me funny and I go on.

I asked Alaine to choose her three favorite projects and explain why they're her favorites.

Here are my three favorite projects - today at least...

1. Koi Sketch - This is one of my favorite cards ever. EVER. The paper being all matchy, and multiple, and the embellies, and the layering of the color on the Koi all going together. And yes, I rotated the sketch. :D

2. Wonder Woman - doo do do dooo!!!!!!!

3 - And speaking of bones - This is my third card - my Inner Bombshell. I made this for a Bombshell challenge to let loose your Inner Bombshell. Yes - I took it Very literally. I still giggle when I look at it. I have it sitting on my desk at work and it is definitely a conversation piece.

Now that you've learned more about Alaine and seen her fabulous artwork, be sure to check out her blog, her Bombshell Gallery, and her interview from when she was Ms. January 2011!


  1. I really want to know what brand of paper you used for the koi card. I love it!

  2. Fabualous cards - love the Koi Fish one especially - beautiful colouring!
