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Thursday 7 March 2013

February PRIZE PATROL!!!!

March is here, but it is still WAY too cold here near the Smokey Mountains. Soon the trees will be blooming and it will be time to enjoy the springlike weather - PLEASE!

And seeing that it is March, it is time again for the prize patrol.

The prizes are a 20$ gift code to the Bombshell Stamps store! The first prize goes for the challenge entrants for February as well as posters to the Blog Hop.  I used Random.org to choose a winner, and the winner is :


Not only is she super duper talented - but she is also pretty darn lucky. She won again! She has made another wonderful tag for the red and gold Pin-Up challenge last month - I really loved it because I am so very fond of the Asian stamps and I love how she did them in gold.

The second winner is chosen from beautiful cards I have seen around the web...


In addition she entered one of our challenges (but I picked it out first as a fave) I just LOVE all of the different elements from the door to the brick to the twine - Not to mention the Bombshell!

Congratulations to both ladies, and great job with your Bombshells!!!



  1. Thank you so much for choosing my card - what an honour!

  2. Thank you very much, I am indeed lucky to be the random.org winner again and to have a new set of Bombshell stamps heading my way. x

  3. Congrats Ladies! Enjoy your prizes!
