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Saturday 15 October 2011

How I paint with distress Ink

I always paint my motives with Distress Ink.
Here is a picture on the Bombshell´s I will show you.

I start with soft soft skin color.
Much water and a tiny drop of color.
After the first plain layer with color, I have more
color at the edge of the lines.
And after that, I soften it down, so the edge of the
skin color is soft and not so sharp.

More color in the hair, as the same way as the skin.
Lot of color nearly the lines and, soften it down.
I paint lots of layers, and fill in more color, and more... and more...
And when I´m satisfied with the shadows, I sometimes use
another color in the shadows, as you can see in her clothes.
Here she´s done!
And she got some eye brush color too...

Left: Done without white highlights...
Right: With some white highlights... and dots at her cheeks.
Close up...
The same procedure with this two...

...AND AFTER... 

That´s all for this time! Big big hug from me to you!
// MiloLilja


  1. That is so cool. I love the looks you got!

  2. It is my favorite technique,thanks to Milo! I discovered her blog 2 years ago and she had a tutorial there...and as I am a great fan of her work I had to try it...ever since it whta I like most. Thanks Milo! :)You are a true inspiration!

  3. Wonderful technique. I should try using my distress inks to color.

  4. Milo, the results are so beautiful and have an amazing vintage quality to them. Wonderful technique!

  5. Thanks a lot ladies! I really love painting with distress. =)
