Here's her interview!
1.When did you become a full Bombshell Girl (BG)?
Does this mean I was, at one time, a partial or half Bombshell Girl? If so, was I a “Bomb” Girl or a “Shell” Girl before? Okay FINE…as of the time I’m writing this, I became a FULL BG 90 days, 11 hours and 20 minutes ago. This means, I’m still fresh and green around the…gills. Wait, that just makes me sound moldy.
2. Has/have your favorite Bombshell set(s) changed since you started on the team? If so, what are your favorites now?
I could be a smarty pants and just answer “Nope”, but you know me. Y’all are NOT getting off that easy. Since I’ve only been a BG for a very short time, it would be an extraordinary fib if I answered, “Yes”. So I’ll just keep it at “Nope”… but I’m TOTALLY looking forward to seeing how these things morph over time. I wonder if they age like Dorian Gray’s portrait and get all wrinkly and hunched over. Oh wait, you want to know if my PREFERENCE has changed and not the stamps themselves. Silly me. My favorite set is Koi Tattoo. It’s still my favorite…though Bombshell Angel comes in at a close second due to her chameleon-like versatility.
3. What new techniques have you tried and/or learned as a result of being on this team?
Oh boy. Are y’all sitting down? It was on Bombshell images that I first started using my beloved Prismacolor colored pencils. They have since become my colorant medium of choice. I’ve also tried metal repoussé, paper toling, paper rosettes, and coloring on Kraft paper.
4. Has your style changed and/or evolved since you started with the team? If so, how?
My style is in a constant state of flux…sort of like my waistline. I’ve always been known for my “out-of-the-box-over-the-top” designs. Believe it or not, I think I’ve actually toned down a bit since joining the team and have become a little more…conventional. I have!!! So I make cards out of cereal boxes and trinket boxes out of soda cans. That’s normal, right? Quit rolling your eyes.
5. Do you follow any special "design rules"?
Rules? RULES? We don’t need no stinkin’ rules!!!! I’m the “Rebel Scrapper Without a Cause”. I scoff at rules. I laugh at rules—that maniacal laugh that sends chills down the spine…MWA Ha Ha Ha Ha.
Oh wait, maybe there is ONE rule…Never mind, I was just kidding.
Oh wait...I do tend to do the "rule of 3" thing a lot. But it's not a "RULE" it's more a "tendency".
6. Where and when do you find inspiration?
I collect bits of inspiration like a magpie collects shiny baubles and pieces of string. Hold the phone…I collect shiny baubles and bits of string…so I guess that means I AM a magpie. I never know when, where, how or why inspiration will strike. I think I siphon it from the universe itself. That’s it…I’m like a giant universal creative inspiration siphoning hose thingy.
7. How do you regain your lost mojo?
I know EXACTLY where my mojo is. My mojo lives in a sleepy little town called Lafayette, Colorado. Her name is Jodi. SHE is my mojo--always has been, always will be. So, when I’ve lost my mojo…I know where and how to find her. After all, she has a cell phone so I can usually track her down...though, I am considering getting her one of those prison ankle "bracelets" that keep her confined to a specific area. I would bling it up and embellish it for her, of course. It’s wonderful knowing my mojo is just a phone call away. Jelly?
And, BEHOLD! Here are my fave projects I've done thus far:
Steamy Angel - I really love her. This card just has a "je-ne-sais-quoi" about it. I adore how easily I can morph Bombshell stamps into Steampunk.

Geisha Shadow Box - This project combines several elements that I really like: iris folding, Asian theme, paper lanterns. And her parasol TOTALLY reminds me of the ones you get in fruity tropical drinks. I love those parasols...and the cabana boys that bring them to me.

"Trashy" Cowgirl Card - I just think it's SO COOL, that I actually made something so normal looking..out of GARBAGE. This card is made from 99% of discarded "trash". Pretty snazzy, huh? Bonus-- I'm helping to save the card at a time. hee hee hee.

Now that you've learned more about Torrey (and most likely got a giggle or two from her interview) and feasted your eyes upon her favorite projects, you'll definitely want to go see more.
So here are some links for you!
• Torrey's Blog
• Torrey's Gallery
• Torrey's first blog interview
Torrey is an amazing funny and extremely talented lady!! You are lucky to have her as a BS girl :)